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Fristående kurser

Det finns flera anledningar att studera en fristående kurs hos oss – nyfikenhet, del av utbildning, fortbildning, allmänbildning eller helt enkelt för att det är kul att musicera med andra människor. Oavsett vad du letar efter, har vi en kurs för dig. Välkommen med din ansökan! Sommarkurser 2025 Anmälan öppen: 17 februari – 17 mars 2025MUHB57 Multimedia - film och ljudMUHI24 Sång på scenMUHI32 Ble - 2025-03-05

Research areas

Microglial neuroinflammation The inflammatory response in the brain, neuroinflammation, is implicated in many brain disorders. Several studies suggest that neuroinflammation contributes to disease progression. Our main research focus is to investigate the role of neuroinflammation in the diseased and healthy brain. Microglia are the major immune cells in the brain. Therefore, the majority of our p - 2025-03-05

Experimental exercise research

How running affects the brain cells Physical activity seems to be a promising preventive strategy to reduce the risk of developing certain brain disorders. Still, how exercise affects molecular processes in the brain is largely unknown. To determine the molecular effects of exercise in the brain, we use mouse models of different brain disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, an - 2025-03-05

Epidemiological studies on physically active lifestyles

How a physically active lifestyle affects the risk of developing brain disorders Physical activity has been pointed out as a promising preventive strategy to reduce the risk of  developing certain brain disorders. Nevertheless, the effect of having a physically active lifestyle on the risk of developing brain disorders may differ depending on sex, age, and other factors. We study how a physically - 2025-03-05


Group leader Tomas Deierborg Professor Phone: +46462220197 Phone: +46709708212 Email: tomas [dot] deierborg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (tomas[dot]deierborg[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se) Tomas Deierborg in LU Research portal Postdoctoral fellows Antonio Boza Serrano Email: antonio [dot] boza_serrano [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se Antonio Boza Serrano in LU Research portal Sara Bachiller Email: sara [dot] bachi - 2025-03-05

Experimental Neuroinflammation Laboratory

Investigating inflammation in the brain Neuroinflammation refers to the inflammatory response within the brain. Our main research focus is to investigate the role of neuroinflammation in the diseased and healthy brain. Microglia are the major immune cells in the brain. Therefore, the majority of our projects aim to explore the function of these cells and to determine how they contribute to health - 2025-03-05


Contact us Head of Experimental Neuroinflammation Laboratory Department of Experimental Medical Science Tomas Deierborg Email: tomas [dot] deierborg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (tomas[dot]deierborg[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)  Phone: +46-709-708212    Visiting adress Experimental Neuroinflammation Laboratory Department of Experimental Medical Science Lund University BMC, B11 Sölvegatan 19 SE-221 84 Lund - 2025-03-05

Media coverage

Media apperance in English 2022 Physically active lifestyle is associated with lower long-term incidence of bipolar disorder PsyPost How Exercise May Tame Our Anxiety The New York Times 2021 Skiers might be at lower risk for anxiety, study finds CNN Active lifestyle can reduce risk of anxiety Lund University news  2020 Skiers had lower incidence of depression and vascular dementia – but not Alzhei - 2025-03-05


Current financial support of our research The Swedish Medical Research Council The Swedish Brain Foundation The Swedish Dementia Association The Swedish Alzheimer foundation The Swedish Parkinson Foundation The Crafoord Foundation MultiPark The G&J Kock Foundation The Olle Engkvist Foundation The Royal Physiographic Society The A.E. Berger Foundation - 2025-03-05


An inflammatory protein inside the brain Transcriptomic studies strongly support the role of galectin-3 as an important molecule in neuroinflammation. Recently, our group demonstrated the key role of galectin-3 in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Microglial function depends on the expression of inflammatory proteins. Transcriptomic studies strongly support the role of galectin-3 as an important mole - 2025-03-05

Experimental Neuroinflammation Laboratory

Experimental Neuroinflammation Laboratory INVESTIGATING INFLAMMATION IN THE BRAINNeuroinflammation refers to the inflammatory response within the brain. Our main research focus is to investigate the role of neuroinflammation in the diseased and healthy brain.Microglia are the major immune cells in the brain. Therefore, the majority of our projects aim to explore the function of these cells and to - 2025-03-05

Early detection of neuroinflammation

Understanding the early stages of Alzheimer's disease is important for detecting the disease earlier and for finding effective treatments that can slow or even stop disease progression. Before the presence of plaques and neuronal loss in patient brains, subtle changes are taking place in normal, homeostatic processes, including neuroinflammation. We examine alterations in microglia in the early st - 2025-03-05

Microglia & neurons

how brain cells interact Cell-to-cell communication is crucial for regulating cellular functions in response to the environment. To understand how this communication works is important if we want to influence the inflammatory response with novel treatments. We investigate the interactions between neurons and glial cells, particularly microglia, before the development of extensive plaque pathology. - 2025-03-05

Systemic inflammation

For a long time, the brain was believed to be deprived of the peripheral immune cells due to the blood-brain barrier. In recent decades, studies have revealed that peripheral immune cells can enter the brain under certain circumstances. We investigate how systemic inflammation affects neuroinflammation. Our main focus is to compare the phenotypes of brain-resident microglia to monocytes invading t - 2025-03-05

Modeling human microglia

Most in vitro research on microglial cells is done using mouse-derived cell lines even though murine microglial cells differ from their human counterparts. To address this limitation, we seek to establish human neuronal and microglial cell lines. The aim is to develop human in vitro model systems and to explore their potential in cell regenerative therapies. Our human neuronal and microglial cell - 2025-03-05